Day 18 and 19 Photo Safari Yellowstone and Grand Tetons

June 25, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

May 18, Day 18  You can read the entire blog and view photos on our website. If you enjoy the account, Please . . . share it with your friends. Photos from the trip can be viewed at: Thanks!  We checked out and left Sidney at 6:45 AM and drove backroads.  We drove east on Route 30, then south on Route 64, and east again on Route 6/34.  We found and California Hill, another Oregon Trail landmark. We also found some markers where Pony Express stations had once stood.  Saw lots of old barns, abandoned houses and windmills, and even an old car sitting atop some old oil tanks .  Stopped briefly at the Prairie Pioneer Museum near Holdrege, NE and discovered that there had been a German POW camp in the little town of Atlanta which we had just passed through. We headed back up to the Interstate on Highway 183, and then drove east, stopping in York, NE for the night.  368 miles  23 MPG

May 19, Day 19:  WE had breakfast at the hotel, checked out, and departed at 8:00 AM.  Drove to an old 1920’s restored farm, but it was not open.  Took a few photos from the road, drove back to the Interstate and headed to Columbia, Missouri.  Stopped at the visitors center near St. Joseph, MO and asked about scenic routes.  The friendly little old lady told us to take Route 36.  She talked about birthplace sites of famous people and quilting museums, and that should have been my warning; but I missed it.  We drove route 36, and it was not much different from the Interstate, as it is a four-lane divided highway.  We did find an old barn and farm house.  We tried to find a covered bridge, and ended up finding the boyhood  home of General J.J. (Blackjack) Pershing.  A disappointment as far a scenic routes when you are looking for old abandoned barns and homesteads.  Finally arrived at Columbia, Mo, found our hotel and stopped for the night.  350 miles, 20 MPG


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